General description
Recupac is a Chilean company, with more than 30 years in the recycling industry. It is a subsidiary of enterprice COIPSA, a group of integrated companies in the packaging and energy business. Annually recycles about 120.000 tons of cardboard, papers, biomass, organic waste, plastics and other materials.
RECUPAC is equipped with four waste pretreatment plants (more than 40 000 m2) to national level, which allows to manage more than 100,000 tons of waste per year, equipped with Balers and Crushers to add-value to the residues from recycling. RECUPAC is a membership of the COIPSA group companies, which benefits them with access to Dry Control, Wet Control and Analysis Laboratories (100 m2) and instrumentation for the study and characterization of their materials.
Role of key people
José Tomás Pumarino. Research and innovation engineering at RECUPAC. He is economist at University of Chile. He explores new research lines and projects that are new solution packs, as well as finding added value to RECUPAC materials.
Partner information

Calle Nueva 1821, Huechuraba
Santiago, Región Metropolitana – Chile.