General description
Public higher education institution, which currently has over 23,000 undergraduate and graduate students. R&D activities are carried out by 13 research groups, one of which is Basic, Applied and Environmental Chemistry Research Group – ALQUIMIA. ALQUIMIA is composed of 17 researchers.
Role of key people
Dr. M. Romero. Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Spain (2007). PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2012 (UPV/EHU). He developed a 3-year Postdoctoral program in Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at Univ. de Chile, including a stay at Univ. of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) for 6 months. He has extensive experience in the synthesis, characterization and evaluation of catalysts for different processes, such as VOCs oxidation and CO2 hydrogenation
Partner information

Cra. 65 #98 A-75 Apartamento 907,
Medellín, Castilla, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia.