General description
GreenDelta founded in 2004 is an independent engineering, consultancy and software development. They work in all areas of life cycle assessment and sustainability, and try to find improvements in sustainability for products and organisations, i.e. a “green delta”. A smart combination of tools (methods and technical tools, such as databases and software) and know-how, expertise, and social intelligence, used for the benefit of our clients, for contributing to progress and innovation, and for improving sustainability, i.e. the impact of human actions and decisions on nature and society. We have customers from non-academia, eg. BASF, Siemens, SunChemical and academia (ETH Zürich, Harvard School of Public Health, Chalmers University)
Role of key people
Prof. Dr. Angelika Brückner is an expert in the area of applied catalysis an obtained her PhD and habilitation in chemistry from Humboldt University of Berlin. After having worked in Berlin since 1985 at the Central Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, the Centre of Inorganic Polymers and the Institute for Applied Chemistry (ACA), she moved to Rostock in 2009, where she is now Professor at Rostock University, deputy director and head of the department “Catalytic In Situ Studies” at LIKAT. She is Editor of “Catalysis Communications” and member of various scientific bodies (GDCh, DECHEMA, BAM, DESY). She has long-term experience and facilities in spectroscopic in situ and operando studies in heterogeneous catalytic gas- and liquid-phase reactions with more than 230 papers and book chapters. Dr. Jabor Rabeah has over 12 years’ experience in Operando spectroscopy. His research has focused on the development of novel operando combined techniques for monitoring catalytic reactions at work, especially, simultaneously coupling o EPR with UV-vis, ATR-FTIR, Raman and/or XAS spectroscopy mechanistic (in-situ) studies to gain insight in structure-activity relations. He currently is group leader of magnetic resonance and X-ray methods research group.
Partner information

Kaiserdamm 13, 14057 Berlin, Germany