Summer School on CO2 valorisation and circular economy
BIOALL’s partners are happy to invite you to the CO2 valorisation and circular economy School 2022 on 13-14 th October in Sevilla (Spain) at the CIC-Cartuja. During this school we will have international speakers from both academia and industries. It will be an excellent occasion to address the main challenges and opportunities of CO2 valorisation from basic research to industrial implementation.
Confirmed speakers
- Roberto Rinaldi (Imperial College London, UK)
- Andreas Ciroth (Green Delta, Germany)
- Flavio Manenti (POLIMI, Italy)
- Manuel Romero (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Colombia)
- Melis Duyar (Surrey, UK)
- Ana Belén Dongil (ICP-CSIC, Spain)
- Juana Frontela ( Cepsa, Spain)
- Angelika Brueckner (LIKAT, Germany)
- Néstor Escalona (PUC, Chile)
- Jacopo Tattini (EU-JRC Seville)
- Christa Ivanova (ELVESYS, France)
- Sergio Lima (Green Fuels, UK)
Workhshop Agenda. (Link)
Scientific programme
13th October | |
9 am | Workshop opening: |
Welcome & workshop Introduction: Tomas R.Reina , Jose A. Odriozola and Ana Belen Dongil | |
9:15 – 9:45 | Roberto Rinaldi (Imperial College London, UK) |
Catalysis for conversion of lignin into energy carriers | |
9:45 – 10:15 | Julia Cilleruelo (Green Delta, Germany) |
“Life Cycle Assessment and the openLCA project“ | |
10:15 – 10:45 | Flavio Manenti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) |
New sources for circular processes in transition era | |
10:45 – 11:15 | Ana Belen Dongil (ICP-CSIC, Spain) |
Design of carbon-based catalysts for CO2 valorization and H2 production | |
11:15 – 11:45 | Coffee break |
11:45 – 12:15 | Christa Ivanova (ELVESYS, France) |
Large-scale impact of small-scale approaches: The role of microfluidics in modern research | |
12:15 – 12:45 | Melis Duyar (Surrey, UK) |
Materials and Processes for CO2 conversion and nano-micro plastics upcycling | |
12:45 – 13:15 | Jacopo Tattini (EC-JRC) |
JRC Seville’s Modelling Results on Sustainable Fuels | |
13:30 – 15:30 | Networking Lunch |
14th October | |
Workshop opening: | |
Reflections on workshop day 1 and intro to day 2: Tomas R.Reina , Jose A. Odriozola and Ana Belen Dongil | |
9:15 – 9:45 | Juana Frontela (CEPSA, Spain) |
Circular Economy & Decarbonisation @ CEPSA | |
9:45 – 10:15 | Angelika Brueckner (LIKAT, Germany) |
Research for sustainable catalysis at LIKAT | |
10:15 – 10:45 | Sergio Lima (Green Fuels, UK) |
From waste to flying: sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from waste cooking oil and sewage sludge | |
10:45 – 11:15 | Nestor Escalona (PUC, Chile) |
Heterogeneous catalysts for the conversion of biomass-derived compounds | |
11:15 – 11:45 | Coffee break |
11:45 – 12:15 | Tomas R Reina (University of Seville, Spain) |
Biowaste valorisation enabled by multicomponent catalysts | |
12:15 – 12:45 | Enrique Montiel (Greene, Spain) |
Greene’s Pyrolysis-Gasification Technology for waste valorisation | |
12:45 – 13:15 | Manuel Romero (ITM, Colombia) |
Effect of promoters on CO2 methanation using oxidic supports | |
13:15 – 13:30 | Concluding remarks |
13:30 – 16:00 | Networking lunch |
16:00 – 19:00 | Poster session |