European Researchers Night 2022
The most recent Spanish Researcher Night in Madrid took place on September 29th and 30th, 2023, so it’s not currently happening. However, I can still provide you with some information about this event:
What is Spanish Researcher Night in Madrid?
It’s a public event celebrating science and research, held simultaneously in hundreds of European cities as part of the European Researchers’ Night. In Madrid, it’s called “La Noche Europea de los Investigadores en Madrid” or “Madridnight.”
What happens during the event?
Researchers from various institutions like universities, museums, and research centers engage with the public through interactive activities, talks, workshops, experiments, and exhibitions. These activities aim to make science accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their background or age.
Highlights of the 2023 edition:
Over 700 researchers participated in more than 130 free activities spread across 14 locations in Madrid and other regions.
Activities covered diverse topics like climate change, health, technology, space exploration, and paleontology.
Events included escape rooms, science slams, open labs, debates, and even a recreation of Marie Curie’s experiments.
Around 20,000 people attended, highlighting the public’s interest in science and research.
Resources for more information:
Official website: https://www.madrimasd.org/lanochedelosinvestigadores/?lan=en (available in English and Spanish)
News article: https://www.madrimasd.org/lanochedelosinvestigadores/?lan=en (English)
Community of Madrid website: https://www.nocheinvestigadoresmadrid.org/ (Spanish)